Text of the report

The Management Board of Inter Cars S.A. (the “Company”) announces that today it received from Aviva Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Aviva BZ WBK S.A. a notification of change in its holding of Company shares, reading as follows:

“In fulfilment of the obligation stipulated in Art. 69.2.1a and Art. 69.4 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies, dated July 29th 2005 (consolidated text in Dz.U. of 2013, item 1382), we notify that following transactions to purchase shares in INTER CARS S.A. of Warsaw (the “Company”), executed on September 8th 2016, Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK (“Aviva OFE”), which at the date of the previous notification held 10.09% of total voting power at the Company’s General Meeting, increased its share in total voting power by at least 2%. 

On September 9th 2016, prior to the settlement of the transactions, Aviva OFE held 1,696,778 Company shares, representing 11.98% of the Company’s share capital (outstanding shares) and conferring the right to 1,696,778 votes, or 11.98% of total voting power, at its General Meeting.

On September 12th 2016, after the settlement of the transactions, Aviva OFE held 1,896,778 Company shares, representing 13.39% of the Company’s share capital (outstanding shares) and conferring the right to 1,896,778 votes, or 13.39% of total voting power, at its General Meeting.”


Legal basis:  

Art. 70.1 of the Public Offering Act – acquisition or sale of a significant shareholding


Persons representing the company

  • Krzysztof Soszyński    - Vice President of the Management Board
  • Piotr Zamora    - Commercial proxy